Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 9: PlayTime

I’ve found that Charlie, our male pup, loves to taunt his sister with a stick.  He’ll pick one up and then rush up to his sister to tempt her, then when she starts chasing after him, he’ll use his body size to block her.  Eventually she gets bored and he runs away in triumph to chase on the stick.
Its quite hilarious
I’ve got these sunflower stalks leftover from the sunflowers I grew that they love to chew on…but we’ve noticed they sometimes swallow them and try to poop them out, straining.  So we’ve had to monitor their pooping.

My wife has taught them now to turn around (using treats of course).  They basically follow the treat with her command to ‘turn around’. 
Before, she taught them to back up by putting her hand up to their chests and saying “back” when they are seated.  They then, still sitting, push themselves back with their front legs, sort of like a moonwalk move, and then get rewarded for it with dried cherries.

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