Thursday, October 27, 2011

Week 7: Agility Training

Kelly’s dad made some awesome chairs that slide out and can come together to be put away, made out of wood slats.  He got the idea from the old timers at the Trapper’s Conventions he goes to.  They’re Handmade and of fine wood, he gave it to her a few years ago for her birthday I believe.  Well, I took them and flipped them upside down to form a little walkway, and Charlie took to it immediately.
When they were tossing and turning, tugging and pulling, and chasing each other, Charlie ran up the “agility ladder” aka the back of the chairs to get away from her and stood at the top like a little champion. 
Lizzie was a little less confident using it, but eventually got the hang of it after the second or third try. 
But its cool to see that at only seven weeks old, they’re already unafraid of

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