Thursday, October 27, 2011


Luckily, my wife is a nurse, so we can save on some vet costs by having her give them shots.

We found a product called Solo Jec by Durvet that, save for the Heartworm medication (that I need a vet's rx for), we can give them the majority of shots they need.  Watch out, because, depending on age and location, they may need either the solo jec 5 or solo jec 7. You really should check with your vet before you decide to go the self-vaccine route.

Every 2 weeks, starting between 6 and 8 weeks, the puppies need shots at three to four week intervals until they hit 16 weeks.  The product protects against the five majors:
Canine Distemper - Adenovirus Type - 2, Parainfluenza - Parvovirus Vaccine modified live virus Leptospira Canicola - Icterohaemorrhagiae Bacterin

We'll need to get a lyme disease shot (since we will take them to northern wisconsin - aka deer tick country) when they get older.

Doing it this way, we can save about $20 per shot!

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